Friday 6 August 2010

Day 10.

Nine days ago nothing was packed, little was bought and nearly everything existed as ink script next to an empty check-box. Tomorrow is day ten, and in approximately 29 hours I’ll be boarding my flight to Hanoi. (I type this inhaling a few long deep breaths!) So before I find myself lotus position in front of a five-inch screen for 18 hours, I thought I would update this with news of the last weeks final prep, contact info and, well, that’s it because I haven’t done anything blog-worthy yet.

But first, a big thank you. I have been so happy and excited to read all of your comments, and good-bye emails and messages. Sadly I don’t think I am going to have time to reply individually as I was hoping to before tomorrow, but your excitement for me has been really wonderful to read and I promise that I will update this regularly, stay safe, I’ll definitely try not to die (thanks for that helpful advice, Rupert) and will be back for Christmas! Thanks also for going along with the blog idea... it seemed a bit self-indulgent at first so I am glad you all got it off the ground.

Miscellaneous updates

I am delighted to say that the preparation has run smoothly and everything is done, packed and ready. I have received the last set of jabs, all the required visas arrived yesterday morning (which was a source of great relief) and some exciting currency has been collected thanks to the atypically efficient post office.

Packing has been a bit of a challenge, however. Not only have I had to be mindful of the three climates I am crossing, ranging from +30 degrees to -4 , there is also a lot of very necessary equipment that I did not contemplate. I think it would be lighter and probably more efficient to just pack Ray Mears and a poncho, but I will be going it alone and will therefore have to carry a variety of sleep, health, mosquito and water-purification equipment, specialist (comedy) thermal clothing and hiking footwear, prepared-for-everything medical kits, loads of factor 50+ and a surprisingly small amount of wash bag essentials (I am embracing bar-shampoo in a tin).Also, 120 pairs of contact lenses are really bulky and have been really annoying to pack. I am looking forward to laser eye surgery day.

I have, however, been rather indulgent in purchasing audio books. I feel both very lucky and grateful to Stephen Fry for the months I imagine he has spent in stuffy studios, because there is quite literally no room left in my backpack. I have only two printed books, which, precious as they are, may end up being traded with other literature starved backpackers along the way.

Whilst all this excitement is bubbling away, I have underestimated how much I am going to miss you all and so I need you to pay close attention to the following information:

Contact Info

- Email, Facebook and Blog. The internet will be my main method of communication for the next few months. Please do send emails and messages as I will be missing you all lots and will love, love, love to read about your news when I log on. I will also endeavour to reply, as an added incentive! Unfortunately Chinese censorship will prevent me from accessing Facebook, and potentially also this blog whilst in China, and so internet communication might be a bit precarious for two weeks.

- Phone. I will not be using the 988 number until December, but have purchased an international sim card, the number for which is: +447924746959. In theory because it is a +44 number, it should cost you the same amount of money to send texts and phone as with other +44 UK phone numbers. I am sceptical about this, and if you would like to use it, you’re very welcome to, but it might be a good idea to phone Orange/Vodafone etc to double check. It is free for me to receive text messages and phone calls when I am in Vietnam (all of August and September) and it will also be free for me to receive text messages in China and Russia (the sim card won’t work in Mongolia) but I will face a pretty hefty $1.34 per min charge to chat. So texts from October onwards only please!

- Skype. I do have an account with Skype and will log on as and when. I’m either registered with or (I know I really should have checked this when I was able to).

So that’s that. It all starts tomorrow and I cannot wait. Thank you again for all your support and lovely good bye messages (and phone calls and BBQ’s and beer). The next time I write will be from Hanoi!


  1. Adios my big sister! :-) Have fun and I have orders to be at the house at 7pm tomorrow in order to talk to you! Stay safe, I don't fancy watching a program about you on the crime and investigation channel any time soon thanks! - Well maybe one day, but only when your the lawyer, which would again be hard...because..your..not criminal law? ANYWAY I got a Job! whoooop! Westborne conservative club as a bar tender :-) Finally, after 5-7 rejections, i lost count after one hand. Looks like Simon will be coming via Bournemouth on his way back home, I said you'd be happy for him to have your room! Thanks Tam. NOW I've made a list of everything I stole and I promise to replace it before you get back... JOKE... but i have hung my washing in your room, yet alone ants in my pants, i don't want blustered spiders... Thanks for the gym membership, I'm sure to be looking "healthy" when you return... mate your only gone for 3 months, you stay in london for 3 months without hearing from you or seeing you... but i guess the other side of the world is a bit different? I've been looking up Chinese legal advice.. if you get locked up yeah? use your one phone call you get to call me and I'll hook you up :-)
    Everyone seems to be giving you advice so here is my bit:: remember "Tengo a una amiga" - I have a girlfriend.. well in Spanish.. not sure how useful that will be? or that vietnam, mongolia, russia or china speak any spanish what so ever? but hey - you have a girlfriend.. Good old frankie and bennies toilet training for teaching me that, and now i've shared that wise bud of wisdom with you I feel that you are going to have a much safer and better trip!
    Jack says "mmm carrots" I think thats a goodbye in Jack Rabbit language, but I'm sure the carrots didn't appreciate it much. I hope you've left me lots of nice treats in your wardrobe and draws :-)
    Right, this is boring me now, I love you loads, you'll have an amazing time, have a brilliant 22nd (ha. old!) and well xxxxxx

  2. Phew I bet you will be glad when you get there, unpack and settle for a while! All the build up ... then the countdown .... then the final countdown! Flying, not for the first time, but first time alone - scary - but like riding your bike ... the first time without stabilizers .... at first you think you can never do it ... you imagine all sorts of things ......and you insist that you never wanted to ride solo in the first place ..... until you do ... and you find that it is another mountain conquered ... another thing achieved and you begin to ask yourself ... why did I never do this before!

    Love BAA Heathrow .... sitting and tracking your flight .... once a parent always a parent!!!!

    By the time you read this ... you will have gained your solo international wings .... way to go ......

    All love, always H x

  3. How unbelievable is this ..... we are able to track all your flights ... and know exactly where you are in above the world!!! Told you we were only a heartbeat away!!!

    Wonders of technology will never fail to amaze me!!
